Introducing: VISIONARY đź’Ž

Dear ones,

Here we are on the edge of a new year.

Just starting to look out, to integrate this past year, gather ourselves and begin to understand where we’ve been, and to look toward the horizon

To start to cultivate the energy we want to bring into a new year

To see what’s becoming

You know the feeling 

of a new vision taking shape within you

What does it feel like?

That magical question what if

unfolding in your body like a sunrise,

possibility spreading through your body,

starting to displace the reasons why not,

Possibility displacing disqualification and disappointment —

That feeling.

I am over the moon to invite you to a new experience I’ve been shaping for you over the course of this last year, pouring into it the wisdom and resources of decades:

My new signature offering

VISIONARY: A Mastercourse in Spirited Leadership

Visionary is a 3-volume master course we will be journeying through in 2023, to refine your calling and powers of leadership

Volume I: Your Dream Year

is a foundational journey of self-leadership.

A course to envision and map the year of your dreams

The doors to both Visionary: the Mastercourse and this first volume your Dream Year are open to you at

We’re going deep into that feeling of possibility

That holy what if? 

That flicker or glimmer you have felt of your vast potential, and your calling to lead:

You’re already leading: you’re leading yourself, first of all. We’re going to ask that essential question HOW are you leading yourself? What kinds of stories are you living in? What limiting, disqualifying, defeating stories, or what stories of liberation, expansion, growth, and strength?

You’re leading your family. Your friends. You’re setting a tone, sending a signal, an energetic frequency. You’re setting standards of what is acceptable, what is not, and what your community is about. What you’re reaching toward.

Maybe you’re already leading a business community, an educational community, a spiritual community. Or you feel a calling to, you find yourself imagining what if I tried to shape this? What if I stepped up? What if I stepped onto a platform, or in front of a microphone? What if I began to shape the collective vision? What if I offered this medicine of healing, or this space of growth?

And immediately when we feel those glimmers of vision, those whispers of calling, they’re often followed by a flood of buts and disqualifications and—what we’ll discover to be protections:

But I can’t because….

I don’t have the qualifications…

I’m too old, or not enough this, or too much of that…

No one like me has done this before…

I won’t be taken seriously because…

I wouldn’t be respected because…

Or - most painfully:

I wouldn’t trust myself because….

All these adorable, tender, human fears we wrap around ourselves like armor to protect us from failure, or rejection, or the disappointment of falling short of our grandest secret visions

SO this our playground in Visionary.

What if if the vision is in you, it’s for you?

If the calling is in you, it’s for you?

What if Spirit is waiting to collaborate so magnificently with your tiniest step forward, heartward.

Your tiniest, bravest way of volunteering?

What if the community you’ve dreamed of is waiting to gather around what you’re trembling with the fear and desire of creating?

I’ve just finished listening to Bono from U2’s gorgeous memoir called, surprisingly, “Surrender.” My favorite line from it is 

“I learned that if I can just stay inside the song, the song will sing me”

He tells a story of leading a band that’s been together for 40 years, and also leading the global community of their fans into world-changing activism that has brought healing and social justice to many suffering communities around the world. I am so struck by the way Bono understands creativity as leadership, as the gift that gives someone back their true self. A song can give you back your true self. The image of leadership that really says it all is a story he tells about diving off the stage into the crowd for the first time, and knowing they would catch him and carry him, and float him through, just as his songs have carried them to remember their own greatness. 

This is visionary, spirited leadership: opening to, practicing connection and re-connection to your own expansiveness, so you can connect others with theirs.

It begins with self-leadership. Opening to, practicing connection and re-connection to your own expansiveness.

So we begin our journey as visionaries now, at this perfect time, right on the cusp of a new year, to ignite our imagination, to remember who we are, and who we can become, to rebel against disappointment, disqualification, missed opportunities, and the reasons why not, and open our hearts to What if. In spite of all the reasons not to, to join the courage-infusing force field of a community audaciously dreaming wildly.

Visionary: Your Dream Year includes 3 live interactive workshops, with video replays, and 6 modules of rich, on-demand video library of my most powerful resources for mindset and vision-casting, as well as Alter movement practices — soulful workouts designed around the themes of visionary so you can embody your vision - and a new audio meditation series I’ve created just for this course as a practice to manifest your vision.

We will have 3 live workshop gatherings at this potent time of year, the week in-between Christmas and Hanukkaha and the winter solstice and New Years:

The Integrate Workshop - the evening of December 26 - to integrate this past year and identify its gifts and lessons

The Envision Workshop - December 28th - to expansively envision 2023. 

And the Heartward Workshop on December 30th, exclusive to the Visionary Dream Year course, including a giveaway I’m excited to share with you

The Dream Year course will include video replays of all of these workshops, in case you can’t join us live.

The 6 on-demand modules of Visionary are:

The Initiation - exploring your initiation as a leader, and what it means to lead yourself with integrity

Heartset - Not so much mindset, as heartset: expanding and honoring your vision and calling

Hustle & Flow - how to sustainable grow into your dreams. and by the way, our dreams should be so big that we have to grow into them

Sacred Infrastructure - creating daily rituals that support your creative genius 

And one especially close to my heart, and I think relevant to this moment so many of us are in:

Heart Broken Open: how to dream with a broken heart and radically heal this year

Lastly, Energetics: a collection of movement and meditation practices to release negative energy and raise your vibration to the level of your vision

And the Visionary: Dream Year course ALSO includes an Envision Planner and Integrate Journal, powerful tools we will use in the live workshops, and designed to support your growth as a Visionary through the year.

From the bottom of my heart, I’m inviting you to join this journey to envision a year beyond your wildest dreams, and become the Visionary Leader you know yourself to be. 

The doors are open, with a special early bird offer for a limited time, for both the Visionary: Your Dream Year course as well as the Visionary Mastercourse, at

The song that’s been threaded through this podcast episode is Heartlines by Florence and the Machine, which is a theme song of visionary:

 in order to get to the heart

I think sometimes you have to cut through (but you can)

You can, we can.

Just keep following

The heartlines on your hand

The heartlines. The whispers. The glimmers. The vision that calls us to grow into it.

What are you dreaming for this next year?

I’m bowing in honor of all we are going to become

As we alter, together


Integrate: 2023 Year in Review


Holy Waiting: Field Notes on Advent